Lopez Community Trails Network.
To serve the Lopez Island community by extending, maintaining, and encouraging the use of a network of safe, non-motorized trails.

In 2009 a few Lopez trail enthusiasts got together to explore the possibility of expanding hiking, biking and horseback riding opportunities on the island. The Lopez Community Trails Network, now with more than 600 members, was born. To get the public involved, we developed our annual Walkabout, and it has become LCTN’s signature event. The Walkabout is two-day hike the full length of Lopez, and involves coordinating public and private landowners. Throughout the year LCTN members are called upon by several public agencies such as the San Juan County Land Bank, to help build new trails and maintain existing trails.
Check out our website and the video below for more information, and if you’re not a LCTN member, consider joining us. We will send you news and updates about LCTN events and opportunities.